I’m often asked about the benefits of learning Spanish, and I frequently tell my students that one of the greatest benefits is being able to communicate when you visit a Spanish-speaking country.
When you visit Spain or countries in Central and South America, it is of course possible to get by without knowing any Spanish at all; but speaking the local language really enriches your experience and can make your holiday much more interesting and fun.
It doesn’t matter if you know only a little Spanish. Even the most stuttering attempts will be appreciated by the hospitable people that you meet on your travels. And remember, they’re probably no more confident speaking English than you are at Spanish. The important thing is they’re making the effort, so why not meet them half way? You’ll be amazed at how patient you will find them, and you’re sure to improve your skills through the practice your efforts will give you.
Trying to speak just a little Spanish on your holidays will break down barriers and could open doors for you that are closed to other tourists. Your holiday will be much more memorable as a result of the friendships and experiences that become available to you, and you’ll gain a much better understanding of the culture when you’re able to grasp the basics of the local language.
But why be satisfied with just a smattering of Spanish? With our Intensive Spanish Courses you can quickly get up to speed if you’re preparing for a business or leisure trip to any Spanish-speaking country.