Spanish literature down the centuries has provided a wealth of classics that any book lover should have on their must-read list. From Cervantes’ immortal Don Quixote de la Mancha, published in 1605 and considered to be the world’s first modern novel; the poetry and prose of Federico García Lorca, who was catapulted to fame posthumously after his murder at the start of the Spanish Civil war; through to modern classics like Love in the Time of Cholera by Nobel Prize-winning Columbian author Gabriel García Márquez, and the highly popular works of Carlos Ruiz Zafón. Spanish literature is truly magical.
Reading in any language broadens both the mind and the vocabulary. Though widely translated, there’s nothing quite like the sense of achievement gained from being able to read these famous texts in their original language. If you’re a traditional book reader, keep a Spanish dictionary on hand to help you out with any unfamiliar words. If you’re a fan of the e-book, it’s even easier. Here’s a great tip: as many classics are free, you can download both the Spanish and English versions and refer to them side by side. As your Spanish improves you may even spot some errors and omissions in the translation. Install a Spanish dictionary too and you can check anything you’re unsure of instantly. You can note any queries or points of interest for discussion with your Spanish tutor. Happy reading!